Breaking into Cybersecurity
Hearing about a unique journey into Cyber
Scott Shadler - Hiring in Tech
Summary of the key points from Scott Shadler's discussion about gaining employment in Cybersecurity and Tech:
Gain hands-on experience in tech/cybersecurity, even basic tasks like maintenance and flashing machines
Working help desks develops soft skills like communication that complement technical skills
Evaluate cultural fit during interviews
Provide solutions, not just problems
Prepare stories relating skills to experiences
Research companies and tailor responses
Know your self-worth; be honest with employers
Be respectful
Ask questions and seek feedback
Focus on self-improvement: active listening, writing regularly, avoiding complication, hands-on practice
The event was CyberBridge's first speaker event at MSU Denver with Mr. Shadler sharing useful employment insights. Overall an excellent discussion, thank you Scott and the CMEI at MSU Denver for making this possible for the students.